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Slow Aging, Restore Youthful Energy

Look and feel your best! We are proud to offer the best prices for in home NAD+ infusions. This incredible molecule has the ability to bring your life up to full power. Enjoy increased mental clarity, stronger athletic performance and substantially improved quality of life. NAD+ works at the cellular level to increase energy availability in mitochondria. NAD+ levels decline as we age, this infusion replenishes NAD+ stores and will have you feeling like a teenager all over again! 



Normal Saline, NAD +, Toradol, Zofran, Pepcid, and Benadryl


Pairs well with Modified Myer’s Cocktail, Amino Blend, Zinc, Glutathione

Fountain Icon

Starting at $425 for 250 mg of NAD+


A one time infusion will get you feeling the benefits of this power up, but effects may only last a week if you have not been properly loaded to restore your NAD levels. Once loaded, a single infusion can last for months. NAD+ can also be given as an injection in and around areas of prior injury to accelerate local healing. 


NAD+ is infused in hydrating fluids with pre-treatment medications Toradol, Zofran, Pepcid and Benadryl to minimize discomfort. The infusion is typically dripped over 2 hours, however time varies based on the individual. NAD+ pairs well with amino acids, glutathione, zinc, and our modified Meyers cocktail to give your body everything it needs to fully take advantage of NAD+. This is included in the loading protocol and can be ordered as a BOOSTER package for stand alone treatments.


250 mg ................................. $425 

500 mg ................................ $575 

750 mg ..................................$899 

1000 mg .............................. $699 

NAD BOOSTER pack .... $799


1 month NAD loading program: $2,999 


You get 3,000 mg of NAD over 5 sessions in one month to restore your NAD levels and set you up for maintenance therapy. You also get the BOOSTER with all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids your body needs to boost mitochondrial function and maximize your benefit from NAD infusions. 


Day 1: 500 mg NAD + comfort medications and BOOSTER

Day 2: 500 mg NAD + comfort medications and BOOSTER

Day 3: 500 mg NAD + comfort medications and BOOSTER

Day 10: 750 mg NAD + comfort medications and BOOSTER

Day 24: 750 mg NAD + comfort medications and BOOSTER



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